Happy Monday! If you’ve read Part I already, you know what this post is all about. The above video gives the short version of thirty things I’m committed to doing this year in honor of my thirtieth year of life. (Note: I do not own the rights to the song played in the video, but it is such an awesome and fitting song!!) I’ve originally wrote them out as if speaking to myself, and decided to keep it that way. Without further ado, here they are:
- Wear More Purple. You wear purple because it symbolizes royalty. It is a reminder to yourself to know your worth. It makes you feel powerful and bold and fearless. It gives you courage and makes you happy.
- Â Laugh Daily. Life is hard, but laughter is life’s medicine.
- Use Your Voice. Even when it’s hard. Even when it hurts. Even when others don’t want to hear what you have to say. Even if there are consequences.
- Learn To Swim. You can either get swept away by life’s current, or you can learn to swim and choose your own direction. Choose to swim.
- Pay Your Friendship Bills. Have you been good to those who have seen fit to sow into you? (P.S. I love y’all!) On the flip side, you should be sending a few bills out as well. No lopsided friendships allowed!
- Embrace Failures. Some of the best lessons come from failures. Learn the lesson they were meant to teach and move on, Queen!
- Say Thank You To Compliments … Nothing Else. That’s it, that’s all. Simply say thank you.
- Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. Every day, no matter how big or small. Growth is just on the other side.
- Be Positive Always. You are what you think. With a positive mindset and a positive attitude, you can get through anything.
- Compliment Yourself. Because honestly, who can have a bad day after hearing “Your smile is gorgeous, your jewelry is popping, and your outfit is on fleek! Slay, Queen, Slay!”
- Stop Negative Self-Talk. If you have nothing nice to say about or to yourself, zip it!
- Find the Silver Linings. There’s a positive in every negative situation, even if you have to look a little harder some days.
- Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself. You are your own worst critic, but it pays to be as lenient with yourself as you are with others. You deserve some slack too!
- Dress For The Part You Want. If you want to win, you must have a winners attitude. If you want to attract positive people, you must also be positive. If you want to make others smile, it helps to wear one yourself. Dress. For. The. Part. You. Want.
- Lean On Others. You are not an island, and support makes all the difference.
- Stop Comparisons. Your journey is your own. Don’t compare your behind-the-scenes to others’ highlight reels.
- Practice Gratitude. Don’t get so caught up in what you do not have that you forget to appreciate what you do have.
- Celebrate Your Victories – Big & Small. Every celebration is motivation to keep going until the next one.
- Be Present. Enjoy the moments you are in.
- Trust Your Gut. Your intuition is your best friend. When in doubt, trust your gut.
- Say No. Make sure when you say yes to someone or something, that you are not saying no to yourself.
- Value Your Own Opinion. Because above all others, it’s the only opinion that truly matters.
- Protect Your Mental Health. Don’t hesitate to walk away from anything or anyone that threatens your peace of mind, happiness, and sanity. Let ’em go!
- Prioritize “Me Time”. You cannot pour from an empty cup so take care of you!
- Look Good, Feel Great. Whether you feel like it or not, fix yourself up every day. It helps. I promise.
- Write More. Poetry. Reflective journals. Random thoughts. Just write. And write. Then write some more. It’s therapeutic.
- Unplug More Often. Enjoy the people who are right in front of your face.
- Chase What Truly Matters To You. Follow your passions and all else will fall in place.
- Matthew 21:22 … Every Day. Have faith that what you ask for you will receive!
- Believe In Yourself – You’re Awesome!