Letter To Myself

Dear Self,

I wish you truly knew how amazing you are. I want so badly for you to take that love you are so willing to give to someone else and give it to yourself. I want you to know you are smarter than you think, so strong, so lovable, very goofy, and you have a magnetic personality. I want you to stay focused and never give up. Don’t be afraid to start over. Some of the best outcomes stem from new beginnings. Please stay positive. Stay hungry. Stay humble. Stay gracious. Stay kind. Stay classy. Don’t let this cruel world change you. Ever. You are great! You are brilliant! You are sassy and bold! Please know that your beauty is so much more than how you look. You truly have an inner beauty that shines through you. Please know that you are blessed and loved! Know your worth and don’t ever settle! One day the right guy is going to come along and love the mess out of YOU! He’ll realize what an amazing person, beautiful woman, and great mother you are. Embrace every quirk and idiosyncrasy that sets you apart. Live your truth, and don’t ever be ashamed of it. Head up Queen, or your crown will fall!



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