Frenemy … a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry. Sounds about right. While not quite a person, failure is most definitely a frenemy of mine. Failure is not

Happy Mental Health Awareness Month! In April, I took a mental health vacation. What is that? I’m glad you asked! Current events along with my busy life were starting to get to me. I

If I had a dollar for every time I have heard the phrase “it takes a village,” I would probably be pretty well off right now. Most scenarios where I heard said phrase surrounded

The first time I ever cut my hair, a fire was lit inside of me that continued throughout the years. I was fresh off the boat of a toxic relationship that was sinking fast.

It has been made known on several occasions just how much I love to read. My dream room in a house is a library with floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with books. I’d probably