Podcasts That Give Me Life

I’ve mentioned before that I am a bookworm. As much as I love to read, motherhood, work, and school leave me with very little time to pick up a physical book at times. My alternative? Podcasts. I listen to them on my daily commute to work, during lunch breaks, even while doing stuff around the house like laundry. I love podcasts! Most of my reading tends to be fiction, an escape almost. But with podcasts, it’s all about the information. Each podcast that I listen to provides me with a unique perspective and something different in terms of knowledge. I wanted to share a few of my favorite podcasts.

1. Paychecks & Balances – Want to make more money, save more money, or have better money management? This one is for you! The hosts of the  podcast, Rich Jones and Marcus Garrett, possess a wealth of personal finance knowledge that they are more than willing to share with their listeners. Listening to the podcast has definitely kept me on point with my finances, both short term and long term. What I love most about this podcast is that they do not sugarcoat anything. They also are not afraid to share their missteps or mistakes so we can learn from their lessons.

2. Side Hustle Pro – I look forward to each and every episode of this podcast. Nicaila Matthews Okome gives me so much life! Her most recent episode, How to Not Let Fear Cripple You When You’re Starting Your Side Hustle, fed into me so much, it was like she was speaking directly to me. The podcast speaks to the steps others have taken to take their side hustle to full blown careers, and gives insight on struggles that others have endured and how they overcame them. The steps are detailed and practical, and the advice is always on point.

3. Confessions of a WERKaholic – Anything worth having, you’re going to have to put in some work! That is why I love this podcast. Koereyelle breaks down different ways to put in WERK to secure your bag! The podcast doesn’t just talk about putting in professional work, but also personal work so that you can be the best version of yourself. That is what I value about this podcast. You have to start with self at times to move forward professionally into your purpose and your passion.

4. Switch, Pivot, or Quit – When I first found this podcast, I decided to start with the very first episode. I’m so glad I did! I love Ahyiana Angel’s 7 Minute Sunday episodes, which always provided much-needed weekly nourishment for my soul. As a fellow bookie, the book chats gave me ideas for new reading material. Besides that, this podcast has a little of something for everyone. If you’re wanting to make a career switch, thinking of quitting your job, or just need to turn your attitude about your current situation around, Ahyiana’s got you covered with her informative guest speakers and inspirational insights.

It was so hard to narrow down my list of podcasts to the one above. I have so many others that I enjoy, like Journey To Launch, or Two Black Guys With Good Credit, or Happier with Gretchen Rubin. Ok, let me stop there. Do you listen to any podcasts? What are some of your favorites? Please share them in the comments below!

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